how to do a uppercase S in cursive

how to do a uppercase S in cursive

In the intricate world of calligraphy, every letter takes on its own unique charm and beauty when written in cursive script. The uppercase S is no exception; it demands a careful approach to achieve its graceful and flowing form. Let’s delve into various techniques and considerations for crafting an elegant uppercase S in cursive.

The Foundation of Writing Uppercase S in Cursive

The key to writing an uppercase S in cursive lies in understanding its shape and structure. This letter begins with a slight curve that ascends from the baseline, then curves down again to meet the descending stroke. The overall shape should be reminiscent of a capital T but with more fluidity.

1. Starting Point

Begin by positioning your pen or pencil at the top center of the line, slightly above where you would typically start a lowercase ’s.’ Your first stroke should be a gentle curve upwards, creating the top part of the letter.

2. Ascending Curve

As you move your writing instrument upward, keep the curve smooth and consistent. It should flow naturally from left to right, gradually arching towards the top of the line. Ensure the angle of the curve is not too steep to maintain the elegance of the letter.

3. Descending Stroke

After reaching the peak of the curve, smoothly transition into a descending stroke. Begin this stroke from the right side of the curve, ensuring it follows a natural downward arc. The descent should be continuous, without any abrupt changes in direction.

4. Connecting to Baseline

As the descending stroke nears the baseline, connect it gracefully to the lower part of the letter. The connection should appear as a continuation of the previous stroke rather than a sudden change in direction. This helps to create a cohesive and flowing appearance.

Tips and Variations

While maintaining the basic structure is crucial, there are several ways to add variation and personal touch to your uppercase S:

1. Variable Width

Experiment with varying the width of the stroke. A slightly wider stroke can give the letter a more substantial feel, while a narrower one can make it appear lighter and more delicate.

2. Contour Changes

Introduce subtle contour changes within the stroke. For example, you might make the initial curve slightly more pronounced or introduce small wiggles along the path of the stroke.

3. Dynamic Flow

Focus on the dynamic flow of the letter. Each stroke should follow a logical sequence, guiding the eye through the letter in a smooth and pleasing manner.


Crafting an uppercase S in cursive requires patience and practice, but the results are worth the effort. By mastering the foundational elements and experimenting with variations, you can create beautiful and expressive letters that stand out in any piece of calligraphy. Whether you’re aiming for a traditional look or seeking a more contemporary style, the possibilities are endless.


Q: How can I ensure my uppercase S looks balanced? A: To ensure balance, focus on maintaining a consistent width throughout the letter. Avoid making one half of the stroke significantly thicker or thinner compared to the other.

Q: What are some common mistakes beginners make when writing uppercase S in cursive? A: Common mistakes include starting the stroke too abruptly, creating an uneven width, or failing to connect the ascending and descending strokes smoothly.

Q: Can I use different types of lines (like thick, thin, or dotted) to write uppercase S in cursive? A: While traditional cursive uses a single line, using different thicknesses or even dotted lines can add interest and variety. However, consistency in the technique remains important to maintain readability.

Q: Is there a specific font style that makes writing uppercase S easier? A: Different fonts have their own characteristics, but generally, fonts designed for cursive writing often provide clear guidance on how to form each letter. Experimenting with various styles can help you find what feels most comfortable and natural for you.